Christian Women’s Fellowship Ministry
The purpose is to help women to develop their God-given potential as persons of value in their home, church, and community; and to involve women in creative service under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
Kairos Ministry
Zion Rock is an Active participant in the KAIROS prison ministry.
The KAIROS prison ministry brings the message of salvation to inmates. Through their study of the Word of God and the attention given to the efforts of the ministry, the prisoners press toward redemption and the possibility of becoming productive citizens.
For added encouragement they are able to address written correspondence to the church and the letters are forwarded to the KAIROS ministry members.
Community Outreach to the Hungry
Since April 1995, Zion Rock’s Outreach to the Hungry Ministry has served the needy in our community in various ways. It began with Saturday morning breakfast being served. A clothing bank was initiated and provided clothing to anyone in need. Monthly grocery vouchers were provided for families suffering financial hardship. We are currently reaching into the community to provide bags of groceries to anyone in need of food and we are partnering with the “Backpack for Kids Program” initiated by the Communities in Schools of Glynn.
Bus Ministry
For bus transportation to Sunday Worship call Deacon Edward Bostic at 912-617-0368 on or before Saturday. If leaving a message please be sure to include your address and telephone number.
Christian Men’s Fellowship Ministry
To promote brotherly love and unity among men, taking steps toward spiritual maturity while carrying out the “Great Commission” as commanded by Jesus.